
Linksfield Land Drainage is the new name of Leslie Dick & Sons (Contracting) Ltd.

Telephone: 01324 831335
Mobile: 07768 432461



Steenbergen Hollanddrain BSS 4000 trenching machineDrainer

Our Steenbergen Hollanddrain BSS 4000 trenching machine with laser beam grading controls is capable of laying pipe up to 200mm in diameter to a depth of 2 metres in its standard format. It is also used for laying water mains, gas mains and electric cables.

CT12 Mastenbroek tracked gravel cart

 Tracked Gravel Cart

Our CT12 Mastenbroek tracked gravel cart is a robust machine ideal for the ground conditions we work in and has a hydraulically slewable forward conveyor as well as a conventional tipper for gravel. It can also be used for conveying sand onto electric cables or water pipes.


 14 tonne Hyundai tracked excavator

 14 tonne tracked excavator

Our 14 tonne Hyundai tracked excavator has laser guidance which is useful when laying pipe behind it.

Drain jetter

Our high pressure drain jetter makes a good job of clearing blocked drains and rejuvenating existing drainage systems.